Desktop Application Performance

Naturally Speaking seems to make decent use of the K6-3's 3DNow! support as it makes sure that the K6-3 500 performs as closely as possible to the Pentium II, although the SSE implementation is superior in the program as the Pentium III 500 is close to 170 seconds faster in the voice recognition translation time of an 8MB wav file.  

Things are a little slower for the K6-3 while performing Netshow encoding, however the Cool K6-3 500 didn't fall too far behind the competition. 


Photoshop seems to have always been a realm dominated by Intel for the PC platform, however Kryotech's Cool K6-3 500 does score high enough on the intensive image editing tests to be considered a viable option.  If Kryotech were to hit 600MHz with the K6-3, then the $1250 price tag would not be as nauseating as it is now at 500MHz, but we can't help but admit that the $400 price drop is a significant improvement over the previous $1695 cost.  Kudos to Kryotech on that one.

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