The Newisys Platform

The first thing to understand about Newisys is that they are not in the business of making servers. Although the server we received for evaluation is branded as a Newisys 2100 platform, Newisys does all of the design of the hardware in house but leaves manufacturing and packaging up to their partners. For example, Appro is selling a 1U server based off of the Newisys 2100 platform as an Appro branded server - the 120S.

The following companies will be selling the Newisys 2100 design:

- Angstrom Microsystems
- Appro
- M&A Technology
- Microway
- Promicro
- Racksaver

As we just mentioned, Newisys does all of the design in house, that includes the motherboard.


Newisys also uses an even easier to install heatsink mechanism with the 2100:

As is the case with all of the Opteron servers we've reviewed, Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet is standard:

Target Market #2: Enterprise-class Servers Inside the Newisys Box
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