Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/9
Windrenalin HDD Acceleration Software
by Anand Lal Shimpi on August 9, 1997 1:46 PM EST- Posted in
- Software
"In theory, data can be found on your hard drive in an average of 8 milliseconds and transferred for processing at an average rate of 5 MB/s, making it very fast. In reality, however, your hard drive has a difficult time transferring more than 0.5 MB/s of data through the file system. Just like an expensive sports car that is capable of 200 MPH but rarely goes over 55, your hard drive is often obstructed by the PC equivalent of stop signs, traffic jams, and speed limits. Windrenalin's patented, award winning technology reduces these obstructions to enable your hard drive to achieve data transfer rates of up to 2.5 MB/s."
Sound like a sales pitch? It did to me, until I tried Windrenalin for myself, that little exerpt from Windrenalin's Help Menu is a huge understatement. Windrenalin does much much more than speed up your data transfer rates in one or two areas, it gives you a whole new computing experience. It even made me call my Pentium II 300 and UW SCSI-3 HDD sluggish without it, why? Lets take a look at what's under the hood first.
"Hey Frank...look at the block on this one!"
Regardless of whether you have the world's fastest hard drive, or an economical EIDE drive, Windrenalin can dramatically improve performance in three areas:
Application Launch
Windows 95 pretty much launches all applications in the same dulling manner, you double click the exe file, and Win95 begins calling all linked files and libraries, eventually getting the application up and running for you to use. However in my opinion, if you spend $3000 on a new computer, 10 seconds is way too long to wait for a simple application to load on your top of the line system. You can attribute this to Win95's extremely unbiased nature, it considers each and every program an equal, and therefore executes them in the exact same way...every single time. However, Windrenalin, being the extremely intelligent program that it is, takes notice of the manner in which data is accessed when you first start up a particular program, and then creates a custom launch configuration sequence for that particular program and places a small acceleration icon over the program's icon, identifying it as an accelerated application. The application itself is never modified, a simple shortcut is made to it containing the custom launch configuration, which results in a hefty increase in performance when loading applications with no risk of damage to your program or user files.
If you are told to pick up a fallen book that is an inch away from you as well as flick off the light switch near the door on your way out of the room, which order would you do it in? Would you walk all the way to the door to turn off the lights, return to your original position to pickup the book and once again walk over to the door to leave the room? Or would you pick up the book, walk to the door to turn off the lights then leave? Of course you would do the latter, simply because it is a more efficient way of handling the tasks you were given. Unfortunately most EIDE Hard Drives are not as intelligent, and therefore much time is wasted in multitasking situations due to a flawed algorithm. Most newer and more expensive SCSI Hard Drives do not have this problem to such an extreme since they can take advantage of an algorithm scheme known as Command Queuing, which basically allows the hard drive to more efficiently multitask courtesy of a different and more advanced order of operations. Windrenalin takes this a step further, enhancing Multitasking performance on both SCSI and EIDE Hard Drives in a very noticeable manner.
General File System Access
By tightly optimizing itself for use with PCI bus enabled systems, Windrenalin can also improve the performance of General File System Access. Although not as dramatic as its Application Launch and Multitasking performance, Windrenalin, due to its enhanced Read capabilities, can slightly improve general file system access to increase the overall system performance under real world situations when using Windrenalin.
Click here to find lowest prices on this product.
The Test
Like most of my other hard disk tests, I quickly realized that synthetic benchmarking would not prove to be the best way to illustrate Windrenalin's superb acceleration capabilities, therefore I rounded up 8 well known and popular applications and put them to the test with Windrenalin. I compared load times as well as load times under heavy multitasking environments both with and without Windrenalin loaded to fully illustrate the potential this piece of software has. I tested each program without using Windrenalin, recorded the scores, then completely rebooted the system (to clear any cache) and ran the tests again this time with Windrenalin loaded.
Test Configuration
Processor(s): | Intel Pentium II - 300 |
BIOS Revision: | Megatrends FX83-A |
RAM: | 2 - 32MB 50ns Micron EDO |
Hard Drive(s): | Quantum Atlas II XP34550 |
Busmaster EIDE Drivers: | Intel v3.01 |
OS: | Windows 95 Service Release 2 |
Cooling Configuration: | Enlight 7230
Mid-Tower ATX Case 2 - Secondary Brushless Case Fans OEM Pentium II Heatsink |
Windows 95 Application Load Times
Application | Without Windrenalin | With Windrenalin |
Microsoft Frontpage 97 Editor: | 8.58s | 5.32s |
Microsoft Word 97: | 2.87s | 2.83s |
Microsoft Access 97: | 2.64s | 1.42s |
Microsoft Excel 97: | 1.61s | 1.29s |
Microsoft Powerpoint 97: | 1.70s | 0.68s |
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02: | 1.57s | 1.27s |
Netscape Navigator 4.01: | 5.84s | 4.58s |
AOL for Windows 95: | 4.82s | 2.69s |
Windrenalin has definitely proved its point, that it can run your applications better than Windows 95 knows how to. If you think these scores are convincing enough, check out the Multitasking comparison...
Windows 95 Multitasking Application Load Times
To simulate a heavy multitasking (disk intensive situation) scenario I was downloading a 10MB file off of the internet, while copying a collection of files totaling 79.4MB, 81,305.6KB, or 8,325,6934.4 Bytes (a megabyte in this case is equal to 210 kilobytes or 1024KB) from one partition of my SCSI to another, and while running various programs with and without Windrenalin to determine the speed increase it provides under multitasking situations.
Application | Without Windrenalin | With Windrenalin |
Microsoft Frontpage 97 Editor: | 28.16s | 5.68s |
Microsoft Word 97: | 15.51s | 5.63s |
Microsoft Access 97: | 13.30s | 3.66s |
Microsoft Excel 97: | 9.86s | 3.57s |
Microsoft Powerpoint 97: | 9.01s | 3.27s |
Netscape Navigator 4.01: | 10.21s | 5.67s |
The Final Decision
Windrenalin is a must have for any power hungry, speed crazed user, it increases performance noticeably on any system...remember, you can never have too much speed =)