3dfx Voodoo4 4500AGP

by Anand Lal Shimpi on October 23, 2000 2:08 AM EST

Windows 2000 Driver Performance

While not always as bad as ATI has been in the past, 3dfx hasn't exactly had the best driver support under Windows NT. They have recently started to get their act together and while their drivers have generally been solid under Windows 9x, we have yet to be overly impressed with them under NT. Now with Windows 2000 growing in popularity and more people using it as a home/office, professional and gaming OS, it is very important to see how a manufacturer's drivers stack up under this OS.

We used the latest available drivers from 3dfx under Windows 2000, they are dated September 29, 2000 and are version 1.03.00.

Once again we see a manufacturer that has not given the same amount of attention to their Windows 2000 drivers as their Windows 98 drivers. For 3dfx this does make some sense since the bulk of their customers are running Windows 98, however there is still no excuse for Windows 2000 drivers being any slower at all.


At 640 x 480 x 32 the Windows 98 driver is 33% faster, but the lead decreases as the resolution increases. At 1024 x 768 x 32 the difference is "only" 20%, which is still pretty bad.

For comparison's sake, the GeForce2 MX produces the exact same benchmark numbers under Windows 2000 as it does under Windows 98 using NVIDIA's officially released Detonator3 6.31 drivers. The only exception being at 640 x 480 x 32 where the GeForce2 MX is 3% faster under Windows 2000. That is just to show that it can be done, it's just up to the manufacturers to get it right.

It does make sense that Windows 2000 performance should be equivalent to Windows 98 performance, and at lower resolutions it should actually be faster since Windows 2000 is a more robust OS.

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  • Thatguy97 - Saturday, July 11, 2015 - link

    ...The last gasp
  • Mena13Suvari - Saturday, August 15, 2015 - link

    And here I am, thinking I`m the only one who likes to read old articles, especially about 3DFx hardware, but anything really up to 2001-2002. I like that millennium computer era the best!
  • Random Stranger - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    Yeah, around this was the time when most of the 90's GPU manufacturers took their last breath. Trident wiht Blade3D, PowerVR with the Kyro II, SiS with it's Xabre 600, S3 were lurking around for a couple of years, but it's last memorable release was the Savage 2000. I miss them a bit.
  • coltson - Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - link

    Really weak chip
  • LMonty - Saturday, April 6, 2019 - link

    It's April 2019 and one just got sold on ebay for $300. I don't get it. :)
  • jajig - Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - link

    I would pay that much for one. I have a bunch of computers for old games. It is mostly for sound cards but I also have a need for 3dfx too.
  • durrane - Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - link

    yo do u have discord?
  • leepico - Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - link

    ceck my ebey
  • durrane - Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - link

    who tf are you?

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