Enterprise Storage Bench - Oracle Swingbench

We begin with a popular benchmark from our server reviews: the Oracle Swingbench. This is a pretty typical OLTP workload that focuses on servers with a light to medium workload of 100 - 150 concurrent users. The database size is fairly small at 10GB, however the workload is absolutely brutal.

Swingbench consists of over 1.28 million read IOs and 3.55 million writes. The read/write GB ratio is nearly 1:1 (bigger reads than writes). Parallelism in this workload comes through aggregating IOs as 88% of the operations in this benchmark are 8KB or smaller. This test is actually something we use in our CPU reviews so its queue depth averages only 1.33. We will be following up with a version that features a much higher queue depth in the future.

Oracle Swingbench - Average Data Rate

Intel's SSD 910 didn't do well at all in our Oracle Swingbench test, mostly due to its inability to perform well at very small transfer sizes (512B). The P320h is no different here and is easily outperformed by standard 2.5" SATA SSDs (although Micron's P400e also does really poorly here). The results here just go to show how important it is that you understand your workload when picking an enterprise SSD.


Average service time is nice and low for the P320h, it's just we don't end up seeing a high throughput rate for the SSD.

Oracle Swingbench - Disk Busy Time

Oracle Swingbench - Average Service Time

Random & Sequential Performance Enterprise Storage Bench - Microsoft SQL UpdateDailyStats
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  • itanic - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    Isn't this essentially just what FusionIO has been doing all along, except without all the drivers/software surrounding it?
  • FunBunny2 - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    That's my understanding. As to who IDT is?
  • webdev511 - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    IDT (Integrated Device Technology) has been doing IC controllers for a Loooooong time.
  • iamkyle - Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - link

    How can you not remember the IDT WinChip!?
  • ericgl21 - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    I wish they could have made a bootable SSD card, so the UEFI BIOS can see it as any other storage component. After all, it would be nice to have an OS installed directly on it.
  • extide - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    For home /power users, yeah you'd want that, but for this thing's target market booting from it is not an issue.
  • blackmagnum - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    Want SSD storage at the sweetspot of 1 dollar/ 1 gigabyte.
  • Zak - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    There are plenty of SSDs, although SATA not PCIe, for less than $1 per gigabyte.
  • colonelpepper - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    $2,000+ USD for a 2TB drive???

    ...in other news, I'd like to buy a 32 inch LCD screen at the sweetspot price of $16,000.
  • melgross - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    There's a sweet spot for RAM, in varying sizes, HDD's and SSD's. they're all different.

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