Canon XSi: 12.2 Megapixels, Image Stabilized Lens, and Double Live View
by Wesley Fink on May 5, 2008 3:00 AM EST- Posted in
- Digital Camera
Resolution and Sensitivity Tests

All crops represent a view of 230x300 actual pixels cropped from the larger 12.2, 10.1, or 14.2MP images. The crop area on the 1.5X multiplier Sony and Nikon are represented by the red rectangle on the full image above. The Canon XSi is a 1.6x sensor so the coverage is slightly less than the 1.5X sensors at the same resolution.
Since the crops represent actual image pixels, the covered area for the crop varies with the resolution changes. On 14.2 and 12.2MP sensors the crop area represents a smaller (more enlarged) portion of the scene than on the 10.1MP crops. This is because there are more pixels in the image area. However, you can view the full-size images by clicking on the crops and the field of view is the same among 1.6x sensors since the crop factor, sensor multiplier, and shooting position is the same.
In all images the tripod is mounted in the same location relative to the scene being photographed. Therefore, any field of view variations are a result of the different sensors and multipliers for each camera.
To eliminate variations in lens quality as much as possible, all images were photographed using the manufacturers 50mm f/1.4 normal lens. All ISO sequences were shot in Aperture Priority with a fixed aperture of f/4.0. Focusing was manual with the crop area as the focus target. Lighting was a worst-case single 100W tungsten bulb high and to the right of the scene. All cameras were set to the TUNGSTEN white-balance preset so any color variations are a result of the manner in which the camera implements the Tungsten preset.
Links to the full JPEG images are available on each camera sensitivity crop. These files are huge, but they can be downloaded for those who wish to view the actual images or explore EXIF data embedded in each image. A shareware EXIF viewer, Opanda IEXIP 2, is available at for download at Opanda.
Page 8 compares the Canon XSi, XTi, and 40D over each camera's ISO range. Page 9 compares the Canon XSi to the Nikon D60. Page 10 compares the XSi to its most likely competitor, the Sony A350, which has the same street price as the Canon XSi.
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JarredWalton - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link
While I do understand what you're suggesting, trust me on this one: I would make a HORRIBLE reviewer for cameras. At least initially, anyway - give me a couple years and a bunch of different cameras to use and I could begin to make some headway. But we don't have a couple years, and even with time I would never know as much as a lot of other people. As it stands, I have personally used exactly three DSLR cameras: an original Canon Digital Rebel EOS, and then last month I upgraded to a Rebel XTi. (Love the XTi, incidentally - I'm thinking an upgrade every two or three generations will work out well.)n4bby - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - link
hi all,i appreciate the replies, and again i am not trying to belittle the time and effort put into these reviews. but i think Justin Case understood the point i was trying to make. and the reason i bring this up is that i too went about learning about DSLR's and photography the "wrong" way.
i too used to analyze gear very much the same way Wesley did in this review - taking endless test shots, playing the numbers and features game, etc... much like Anandtech reviewers and readers, i come from a technical background (EE in college, internet developer since then), and this seemingly quantitative evaluation method made sense to me. i have my own collection of box shots that are uncannily like Wes's. i spent a lot of time reading reviews and user opinions on DPReview, Fred Miranda etc. etc. that took a similar approach.
the problem is, it didn't really help me size up the true value of gear for its ultimate purpose - taking pictures - and while i don't really regret my purchases (Canon 10D and various prime lenses - Canon was the only real game in town at the time), i do not feel they were well-advised. since then, i have had the good fortune of working with professional photographers at a digital photography startup - i'm talking people who shot for Sports Illustrated, US News, the NY Times, etc. - not to mention having exposure to clients who shoot for a living. and let me tell you, it turned my perspective on photo gear upside down... now, you may say ok, these guys are pros but anandtech readers are consumers, so that's not relevant. but the perspective i gained from these pros helped me improved my photography immensely, and also made me look at gear in a much more constructive fashion than "pixel peeping." i realized that the merit of gear was not so much about absolutes, but about context and finding the right gear for the job - and i think that is something that is often missing from these reviews.
again, i think the work you guys do here is excellent - this is one of the truly great resources of information on the desktop computing industry on the internet. and if the readership likes the camera reviews, more power to you. i just thought i would throw another perspective out there... apologies for the rant!
n4bby - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - link
incidentally, i just re-read the review very carefully, and i find a *lot* of statements and judgments that i take issue with, and that i think many knowledgeable photographers would as well - some things have already been pointed out by other anandtech readers. and i stand by my original statement that the quality of the test and sample shots is rather poor and may not be a good basis for comparison between the cameras.casteve - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
It might be time to retire my 2.1MP now. :)Seriously, thanks for the camera reviews. I might come to the site for PC info, but all things electronic draw my interest.
I've got a point and shoot digital camera for casual shots and a trusty Canon A-1 for when I care about quality/enlargements. I've been waiting for prosumer prices to drop or consumer builds to meet the quality bar. Looks like we are starting to get there.
haplo602 - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
I think the comparison with Nikon D60 is not the correct one. D60 is a followup on D40 - crude AF system, no lens drive screw, no DOF preview button etc.Both have the same sensor, but D80 is a more usable camera:
11 AF points, DOF preview button, 2 command dials (way better handling than with one), battery grip ...
Wesley Fink - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
The D80 was introduced at the time of the XTi. It was priced higher than the XTi and aimed more at the 30D than the XTi. Comparing it to the entry Canon did not seem appropriate. The real Nikon competitor to the XSi will likely be the D80 replacement as I mentioned.Canon does not really have a camera as basic as the D60 (D40x/D40), but the XTi is continued and actually costs less than the D60 right now. In my opinion the XTi trounces the D60 in a head-to-head and it costs less.
I expected some would claim the D80 the better compare, but I don't believe it is. BTW, IMO the Nikon D300 trounces the Canon D40 in every way as I mentioned in the review. I am definitely not biased toward Canon. It is just the situation changes at the entry level and Nikon does not really have a convincing competitor right now for the XSi.
haplo602 - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
I did not say you are biased either way (the general oppinion would be you are biased towards Oly 4/3 :-))If you claim that Canon does not have an equivalent to the D60/D40 line why then compare them with the latest Rebel? And if D80 is older, well bad for Nikon as they don't have an up to date competitor to the Rebel. But D80 should be the direct opponent for 450D until the next generation is introduced.
DailyYahoo - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
I remember those Rebel ads with John McEnroe. Back then, John was a hippie and spelled his name Andre Aggasi. Image was everything back then :)Wesley Fink - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
Thanks for catching this. At least we got the Ad reference corrected before McEnroe caught it :) I seem to recall Agassi was dating Brooke Shields at the time.DailyYahoo - Monday, May 5, 2008 - link
You are very welcome. I should point out that at least one of us knows how to spell Agassi ; ) By the way, excellent article. I have a 350D and it is really starting to look so very long in the tooth with all of these new releases. Too bad I'm poor. : )