Voodoo4 4500 - 16-bit vs 32-bit Performance

Finally, it is time to look and see if 16-bit performance of the Voodoo4 4500 increases with the latest driver build.

At 1024x768, the Voodoo4 4500 could care less which drivers you use. Once again, the lack of performance difference between the latest drivers and the initial release drivers is most likely a result of the few builds between the Voodoo4 4500's release and the current drivers. It is too bad that the Voodoo4 4500 can not regain some lost ground like the Voodoo5 5500 was able to.


At 1600x1200 we also noticed that the Voodoo4 4500's 16-bit and 32-bit performance does not increase or decrease depending on the drivers used.

Voodoo4 4500 - Unreal Tournament Performance HSR Explained
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